Rescue for Cats and Kittens
Scroll to the bottom for the latest arrivals.
For Sale
We have a number of donated pet carriers for sale, prices range from £5 to £15. All proceeds from the sale of these go towards the cost of helping the cats and kittens in our care.

what we do
We are a a small rescue and rehoming centre based near Kings Lynn, Norfolk. Our sole aim is to help cats and kittens in need find their perfect home.
Please Scroll to the bottom to see our latest arrivals.
Rehoming Cats and Kittens
Rescuing strays
Handrearing kittens
Julius before and after his operation

Julius came to us after being abandoned with a ruptured eye which had to be removed urgently. After his operation he had a few more problem sbut being a brave little character,he overcame then and is totally full of himself as you can see from the video below.
Now totally recovered he has gone to his new home
Happily Rehomed

Please meet these kittens that were hand reared from just a day old.

My name is Daisy and I was a young feral who was cold and wet. I was frightened when I was first caught, but soon learnt to love the humans that kept me warm and gave me lots of lovely food.
I am now in my forever home and love being in charge!

What a happy ending for Ruby and Thomas, they have been rehomed together. Ruby took orphan Thomas under her paws after losing her own kittens and she has been a wonderful surrogate mother to him.

Wanda has just gone to her new home where she is exploring and enjoying her new toys.
Cats and Kittens needing Homes

This is Ursula who came to us a pregnant stray. Her kittens have now gone to their new homes and Ursula is looking for hers too. She is a very affectionate cat who will live happily with other cats although we don't dont if she has experience of dogs.
Arnold and Alison
Arnold and Alison are devoted siblings, Alison is a little shy and Arnold gives her confidence to come out of her shell in new surroundings. They love a tear round together and then it's time for a cuddle and snooze.


Brian is a stray who found his way to us on his own. He is very affectionate but can be a little shy to start with. He could live with a calm cat who wouldn't intimdate him.
All of the above cats and kittens are neutered vaccinated, and microchipped.
Application Form